Saturday, March 1, 2025

Pulsating Flesh (1986)

*Get a copy of A Call to Purity: Living a Lifestyle of Purity by Richard and Brittni De La Morra on Amazon here*

This adult film is an oddity- it was produced in the late 1980's, but was shot on 35mm film stock, not videotape...oh, and it's really stupid.

Ray Wells, one of porn's most unlikely leading men, is Peter Longfellow. Peter has the ability to make any woman pregnant thanks to his very potent "sperms." He goes on Joan Carson's (Tamara Longley) talk show to introduce some sex clips from his life, and viewers get turned on as the sex is somehow broadcast over the air and into their televisions.

Wells is credited with the screenplay, which is not exactly "Casablanca" or "Chinatown." I'm not sure if this was supposed to be a comedy but the humor is decidedly lame. At one point, Peter makes a wisecrack about shortening his name, Joan reacts with "that's a great line," but I still don't get the joke. Then again, if a producer told me I got to have sex with about half a dozen beautiful women if I came up with a story quickly, I'm pretty sure comprehensive plot points and character arcs would suffer. Reems has a glorified cameo in a stock porno role, and cast member Jay Serling is surprisingly hairy and sweaty. Tobalina's camera angles are well done, and the picture is clear and bright. The film does suffer from outlandishly bad sound editing, like moaning sounds from actors whose mouths are otherwise occupied. Joan's television studio is somebody's living room, and the stock footage of her "live audience" is creepy since it has some children "applauding" along to sex acts. When Peter climaxes, the film makers add a laser beam-like sound effect that made me giggle. Some of the sex scenes, while intermingled thanks to film editing, run way too long, and you may be wondering about Reems' introductory scene until it is explained much too later on in the weak story. "Pulsating Flesh" is pretty awful.

(1986) 79 min. (0 *) out of five stars
-Directed by Carlos Tobalina
-Written by Ray Wells
-Cast: Ray Wells, Tamara Longley, Harry Reems, Kathlyn Moore, Tess Ferre, Renee Summers, Jay Serling, Mindy Rae, Tami Lee Curtis, Bunny Bleu, Toni Lynn, Crystal Breeze, Carlos Tobalina

You Stupid Man (2002)

* Get the film on Amazon here * They are here: beautiful New Yorkers who never work and have great one-liners at the ready- characters who...