Saturday, February 15, 2025

Daughters of Discipline (1983)

*Get a copy of A Call to Purity: Living a Lifestyle of Purity by Richard and Brittni De La Morra on Amazon here*

Glenda (Victoria Sands) and Rhoda (Robin Thorn) are two bored college-age (yes, college-age) sisters (yes, sisters) who have found one of their parents' bondage and discipline mags. Under the puppy dog eyed gaze of a Scott Baio poster, the two sisters engage in some taboo intimacy before calling their good friend John (David Christopher) over for some more fun. John falls asleep, and the girls use some of their new B&D ideas on him, before their parents (Dave Ruby, Nicole Bernard) come home and punish their daughters.

Phil Prince's Avon pictures usually ran about forty minutes, and were filled with sexual violence and taboo couplings. This one is no different, with an overall sleazy factor that it proudly wears. Prince does pretty well behind the camera (there are only two sets, and a couple of outside shots of New York City), and the picture is surprisingly clear. The performances are purely pornographic- Ruby's maniacal laugh at the end of the film is neither maniacal, or a very good fake laugh. Who has time for story arcs as two women have sex literally within a minute of the film's beginning? The barely audible music is alright, and the sound design and colors are passable. This is incorrectly known as a second part to a better-known film with the same name, but I am using the film's title from the opening credit. "Daughters of Discipline" is a little light on the sado-masochism, evidently, but what do I know?

(1983) 42 min. (0 *) out of five stars
-Written and Directed by Phil Prince
-Cast: Sable Cruz, Dave Ruby, Victoria Sands, Robin Thorn, David Christopher

You Stupid Man (2002)

* Get the film on Amazon here * They are here: beautiful New Yorkers who never work and have great one-liners at the ready- characters who...