Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Cheyenne (1996)

*Get the film on Amazon here*

M.C. Hammer, his do-rag, and his razor-wielding little person sidekick Razor (Robert Bell) are just a couple of aspects of this awful, inept western.

Cheyenne (Bobbie Phillips) runs away from jerk husband Starrett (Bo Svenson) and takes all his dirty gun-running money with her. Bounty hunter Jeremiah (Gary Hudson) comes to town, is framed for stealing a horse, and almost finds himself swinging from a tree. Starrett makes him a deal- find his wife alive, and he will get a thousand dollars. Jeremiah rides off to look for Cheyenne. Haddox (M.C. Hammer) and Razor arrive for the job, and Starrett makes them the same deal. Why? Starrett has Jeremiah out there, why bring in another bounty hunter? Keeping in the proud modern western film tradition of automatically trying to sexually assault all female characters, Cheyenne is attacked in a cabin by a bunch of fat guys and Jeremiah saves her. He ties her up and heads back to Starrett. Haddox finds out they are together, and rides out after them. How? No one knows they are together, who told Haddox? Cheyenne has hidden the money, and she and Jeremiah grow closer, bickering and bantering like a bad rom-com, pursued by Haddox.

At one point in the movie, a character spies on two other characters, with binoculars, from the top of a very high cliff. The problem is, when he looks through the binoculars, the director has the binocular point of view from the bottom of the valley on the same line of vision as the two characters getting spied on. The amateurish music score is often so loud, it drowns out dialogue. Hammer smokes a cigar and wears western wear but the costume is too big so he looks like a ten year old playing cowboy. He also holds and smokes his cigar like Sister Mary Catherine of the Perpetual Sorrow discovering her first Pall Mall. Svenson lends some weight to this piece of foul breeze, doing his best with an impossible script. Bobbie Phillips has awfully white teeth for a kept western woman, but her frequent nude scenes might distract you.

"Cheyenne" proves that anyone can make a movie if they have access to a three hundred dollar budget and an all day group pass to Monument Valley. Making a GOOD film is the challenge, and "Cheyenne" fails.

(1996) 90 min. (*) out of five stars
-Directed by Dimitri Logothetis
-Written by Frederick Bailey
-Cast: Bobbie Phillips, Gary Hudson, M.C. Hammer, Bo Svenson, Robert Bell, Tobin Bell, Ritchie Montgomery, Cole S. McKay, Dimitri Logothetis, Jay Nethercott, Dennis Burkley, John Diab, Shaun Monson

You Stupid Man (2002)

* Get the film on Amazon here * They are here: beautiful New Yorkers who never work and have great one-liners at the ready- characters who...