Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Book Review: "Sons..." by Helen Exley

*Get a copy of the book on Amazon here*

"Sons..." is one of those innocuous little books, the size of your cell phone, you would find at a pharmacy or hospital gift shop that you could buy for that special someone whose birthday you had forgotten.

The little book features nostalgic artwork of little boys, and quotations from famous writers and celebrities as diverse as Plato, Charles Dickens, and Suzanne Somers; Dickens' and Somers' quotes appear on the same page. The champion of the quote quota is Pamela Gray, who gets more credits than anyone else. One bittersweet quote is from persona non grata Bill Cosby, talking about his only son Ennis, who was murdered a year after this little book was released.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of these little gift books all over the country, usually found at grandmothers' homes, and estate or rummage sales (where I found this one in a box of physical media I purchased). Coming in at sixty-four pages, it can be read in one sitting in just a few minutes. The quotes are all fine, some are a little bland with no context, and the best quote by far is from Erma Bombeck. Trust me, I've read worse books, you can always use this to boost your "Books Read" count online. Middling book, middling reaction.

You Stupid Man (2002)

* Get the film on Amazon here * They are here: beautiful New Yorkers who never work and have great one-liners at the ready- characters who...