Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Anarchy TV (1998)

*Get the film on Amazon here*

Director Blank brings Frank Zappa's children onboard in a decadent ninety minute comedy that entertains.

Channel 69 is the local public access station that plays shows like "Political Jeopardy" and "Eat Me." The shows blast the establishment, and push free speech and individualism. It is run by cute couple Jerry (Jonathan Penner) and Natalie (Jessica Hecht), hilarious paranoid Frank (Matt Winston), Katie (Moon Zappa), and Sid (Dweezil Zappa). Natalie is also a teacher, working her political agenda into subversive elementary school plays, much to the principal's (Mink Stole) chagrin. Natalie's dad is Reverend Wright (Alan Thicke), who buys the television station, disowns his daughter, and throws the group out onto the street. They try to protest their plight, but no one seems to care as no one was watching them in the first place. They hold a couple of disastrous rallies, where all their friends butt heads about their personal beliefs, are thrown in jail, and but bailed out by prostitute/fan Tiffany (Tamayo Otsuki). As the Christian station broadcasts on their station, the group hatches a new plan. They take the station by force and begin broadcasting their stuff again, much to the yawns and indifference of the viewing public. Even the police and press do not care. Frank discovers a safe in the station that holds the key to all his off-the-wall beliefs, and sets about breaking the combination. Tiffany suddenly gets a great idea, and viewers begin tuning in- nude aerobics will do that.

The film plays like a goofball version of "UHF," which I guess is a contradiction in terms. The film makers lampoon Conservatives as well as Liberals, but the final few minutes brings down all the silly fun of the film, and ends on a sour note. Moon and Dweezil Zappa are very funny in supporting roles, as is Ahmet Zappa as an abusive cop. Matt Winston is a riot as paranoid Frank, questioning everyone's motives. The sketches in the film run hot and cold, but it helps that a middle ground is found. If you are offended by a joke one minute, Blank finds something for you to laugh at the next. Actually, with free speech and personal freedom being preached, the political group who come off best in the film are the libertarians, not anarchists.

"Anarchy TV" is not great, but it has more laughs than some big screen successes, and contains off-color humor that works better than any "American Pie" film. See it, unless full frontal nudity and anti-establishment humor really bothers you.

(1998) 87 min. (* * * 1/2) out of five stars
-Directed by Jonathan Blank
-Written by Jonathan Blank, Philip Craft
-Cast: Jonathan Penner, Jessica Hecht, Matt Winston, Moon Zappa, Dweezil Zappa, Ahmet Zappa, Alan Thicke, Mink Stole, Tamayo Otsuki, Apollonia Kotero, Timothy Leary, George Wendt, John Waters

You Stupid Man (2002)

* Get the film on Amazon here * They are here: beautiful New Yorkers who never work and have great one-liners at the ready- characters who...