*Get the film on Amazon here*
The stupid little brother (Tad Hilgenbrink) of the stupid character Stifler from the stupid theatrical films goes to a stupid band camp, wreaking stupid havoc and causing stupid mayhem, because the stupid film makers decided you're too stupid to want laughs from a stupid comedy.
This is one of the worst comedies I have ever seen, and I sat through "Beer for My Horses." I hated all the characters, the story is predictable, and the lead character is a borderline sociopath who never should have had an entire film resting on his misadventures. Repulsive and sad, your level of enjoyment might depend on how funny you find the word "stiff" and all its incarnations. The first of a handful of direct-to-video stories, I wish they would give the entire franchise a rest. Also known as "Band Camp."
(2005) 87 min. (0*) out of five stars
-Directed by Steve Rash
-Written by Brad Riddell based on characters created by Adam Herz
-Cast: Eugene Levy, Tad Hilgenbrink, Arielle Kebbel, Jason Earles, Crystle Lightning, Jun Hee Lee, Matt Barr, Chris Owen, Timothy Stack, Ginger Lynn
Monday, November 18, 2024
American Pie Presents Band Camp (2005)
Steve Rash
North Dakota, USA
You Stupid Man (2002)
* Get the film on Amazon here * They are here: beautiful New Yorkers who never work and have great one-liners at the ready- characters who...

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